Archive for March, 2008

Critics’ Critique (coming soon)

Posted in Announcements on March 31, 2008 by Nick

I sent out a couple of previews of issues 1, 2, and 5 the other day.  I’ve gotten a few responses back.  Most were very positive, a few were mixed.  I don’t think I’ve gotten any bad reviews (thank God).

I’m hoping to post them here (I want to ask the authors’ permission first).

If you want to see some previews, go here.  No, you can’t see the issue 5 preview.  Only retailers can see that one, and that’s only if they ask.   Nicely.

First Post, Last Push

Posted in Announcements on March 29, 2008 by Nick

This is it.  My last big push.

Well, probably not my last big push, but it’s my last serious attempt.

If you look around the site, you’ll see that I’ve been seriously trying to publish this for years.  I’ve been sort of trying to publish this for Years.  I’ve been thinking of trying to publish it for YEARS.

Those dozen or so of you who’ve been following Tiny Life on and off for the last few years (those few who’ve added comments to my discussion boards or who’ve bought my comic through will know that I’ve been working on this project in some capacity since 1994.  For those of you who’ve just joined me, this journal is a lot less extensive than my last one.

See, before l(a is published, I want to sort of clear the air.  I’ve been writing a journal on and off about Tiny Life (formally called Jed Jr.) on and off since its inception.  Some of the posts are actually pretty insightful.  It’s kind of cool to go back and look to see when I thought of publishing the series in a non-chronological manner or when I thought of exactly how extensive the story was going to be.  But then again, some of the entries are just awful.

Sometimes I imagined that I was in the middle of publishing the series and was a huge success; I would talk about my professional “friends” in the business or talk about the awards I was currently getting.  Sometimes, I would seriously complain about how I couldn’t get any work done because of prior obligations or because of my real job.  There were even times where I would just use the journal to gauge how far I got in a day (“Inked three pages today,” etc.).

So, instead of actually going though all of those journals, I decided to start over.  Because, honestly, unless you are some obsessive fan (and if you are, email me, please!  I’ll give you free stuff!), there’s no reason you would ever read 14 years worth of journals – especially if you didn’t know what ones were real.

I tried pseudo-seriously in 2004 and failed.  I tried fairly seriously in 2006 and failed.  If this 2008 attempt fails, I’ll give it up.  I’ll email my ideas to someone more capable and never look back.

And then I’ll be pissed when it makes TMNT-money.