Hot Mom Conception

(This is another in a series of vaguely sexually-titled posts)

The Wife and I have been trying to have a kid for a little while now.  Not REALLY trying, just, you know… trying.

Frankly, at this point in my life (sorry to any future Jones generations who may be reading this many years from now), I could go either way.  I think it’d be great to have a kid, but I think not having one would work with the way I want my life to go as well.

I asked The Wife tonight why she wants kids.  Instead of giving me the Woman Bullshit answer (“I just feel (pause for effect) empty.” Or “My biological clock is ticking and I need someone to grow with”), she gave me a lot of very well thought out answers (including “I don’t want to be doing this forever.” And “I want everything that comes with Family”).  None of them convinced me, though.

After a few more minutes of arguing, I realized why not having kids is an easy option for me but a difficult one for her: I have the things that she needs.

I know teens are annoying.  But they're often worth it.

I know teens are annoying. But they're often worth it.

See, to me, teaching is not only a job, but a way of feeling fulfilled (I know it sounds girly, but it’s true).  I help out future generations, I connect with people in a way that only parents and mentors can, and I feel like I’m really making a difference in the world (even when I’m not).  Because I write and half-draw Tiny Life, I also feel fulfilled.

This is my baby.

This is my baby.

I get to create something that wasn’t there before, I get to use my imagination in original ways, and I get to feel like my creation might really make a difference in the world (even if it doesn’t).

As a woman, I think The Wife needs to feel that way too.  Except she doesn’t have a job that has the possibility of making a difference.  And she doesn’t have a story in her head that’s been floating around for the better part of 15 years.

She has me.  And although I act like a child, I am not one.

So.  I guess we’re going to REALLY try now.

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