SEX! Now That I Have Your Attention…

I think I’ve found a connection between the number of posts read and the title of said posts.

According to my various sources (including private investigators, numerous fan sites, and a shouldn’t-be-out-of-work Andy Richter), the posts that get the most traffic are the ones with vaguely sexual titles.

My review of Seven Pounds was titled “A Pound of Flesh” and that has the most hits (it wasn’t even that good of a review).  I reviewed a music album for another site and the title of the post mentioned something about a naked pop star.  That got twice as  many hits as any other post.  At the time, I thought I was just a good writer, but I’m wondering…

So I think I’m going to start titling these something vaguely sexual; get my hits up.

imacIf I’m talking about Aquafina, the title will be “Watersports.”  If I’m talking about the newest movie, the title will be “Making Out in the Back Row.”  If I’m reviewing the newest iMac, I’ll title it… I don’t know “Dude Humps Computer.” 

You get the idea.

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