First Cover of the First Chapter of the First Book

It’s been a while.

See, the first book, l(a, took a long time to do because neither I nor Colacitti really knew what we were doing.  I mean, I had a vague idea of what inking was about and he had a vague idea of how to draw according to a script, but we each made a ton of mistakes (I made a LOT more than he did as evidenced by our conversation earlier today).  I changed the lettering of the entire book twice, I changed my word balloons, I even changed the appearance of zip-a-tone from one chapter to the next.  I uploaded to various printers several times, I changed the website a handful times… basically, I wasted a lot of time.

I guess, when I think about it, I didn’t so much “waste” it as I did “learn from” it.  This next book is going to fly by.

Colacitti sent me an email saying that the first ten pages are on their way and should arrive here in about a week.  In anticipation of their arrival, I’ve decided to draw a little bit.  This way I can get used to inking again.  This way, the first few pages won’t be absolute shit.

I also thought about something else: the last book was intended to be a five-issue series, which meant that Colacitti drew five covers that only a handful of people have seen.  Instead of wasting his time with these, I think maybe I’ll draw these covers.  This way he can get more done quickly and we can get left into your hands that much sooner.

Plus, I miss the feeling of filling a blank page.

Here’s what I have so far for the first chapter of left.  


Click to enlarge.

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