Payment Renderred

I keep getting a lot of spam regarding tax help. On the radio it seems that every other commercial is about tax help. “Do you owe more than $10,000 to the IRS? Tax Consolidation of America can help!”

I’ve been paying taxes since I was 16 (earlier if I had claimed all those tips I got as a coat check and bus boy). I was unaware that you had a choice in the matter. I didn’t know you could just not pay your taxes. Is this really a huge problem for Americans? Since when do I get to pick and choose which bills to pay?

It reminds me of some comic stores I’ve given Tiny Life to. I use the word “given” because that is what I did; they still – four months later – haven’t paid me a dime.

Just because a doctor perscribes it, it doesn't mean it's good for you. A few years ago, leeches kicked ass.

Just because a doctor perscribes it, it doesn't mean it's good for you. A few years ago, leeches kicked ass.

Maybe I’m weird, but I figure that once goods or services have been rendered, I have to pay for ‘em. When I go to dinner, I pay the bill. When I get my car fixed, I pay the bill. I even pay the doctor when he tries to treat me with tons o’ drugs and I refuse. As a community, we have agreed that a doctor’s time is worth a certain amount; I have used this certain amount and therefore the bill must be paid.

The whole thing just reminds me of when my aunt and uncle (and sometimes my cousins) used to not pay bills because they didn’t like the result. One time they wouldn’t pay their credit card bill because the Beta-Max version of Wrestlemania they bought on it doesn’t work in their VCR (true story!).

Is the whole world full of people like my family?

I certainly hope not.

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